February Nature Happenings
- Great Backyard Bird Count, mid-month, www.birdsource.org/gbbc
- Project FeederWatch continues, www.birds.cornell.edu/pfw
- February is National Bird Feeding Month
- Look for early-returning Ruby-throated Hummingbirds during the last week of February.
- Eastern Cottontail mating season.
- American Woodcocks are doing courtship flights.
- American Robin spring migration begins in late February.
- As days lengthen, Tufted Titmice and cardinals begin to sing.
- Sandhill Cranes can be seen migrating north in late February.
- Hibernating butterflies (Morning Cloak, Comma) emerge on warm days.
- Have houses ready for mature Purple Martins that will return by end of the month.
- Smith's Longspurs will be on their way back to the Arctic by the end of the month.
- Bluebird and other nest boxes need to be cleaned out this month.